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First Aid for Unconscious Individuals

Initial Assessment and Approach

Follow these steps when encountering an unconscious person:

  • Ensure Safety: Assess the scene for any immediate dangers before approaching.
  • Introduction: Introduce yourself calmly to the patient to assess responsiveness.
  • Assessment Process: Use the approach of "stop, think, act" to determine the next steps.

Checking for Breathing

Verify if the patient is breathing:

  • Open the Airway: Gently tilt the head back to clear any airway obstructions like the tongue.
  • Listen and Observe: Place your ear near the patient's nose and mouth to listen for breathing sounds for up to 10 seconds.
  • Identify Normal Breathing: Ensure the breathing is regular and not gasping, which could indicate agonal breathing.

Placing in the Recovery Position

Move the unconscious person into a safe position:

  • Positioning: Lay the person on their side with their head supported and airway clear.
  • Step-by-Step: Follow these steps to place them correctly:
    • Prop one leg up to stabilize.
    • Support the head with one hand while pulling the knee towards you with the other.
    • Ensure the airway remains open and secure the position with their hand tucked under their cheek.
  • Monitoring: Stay with the person, monitor their breathing, and keep them warm until help arrives.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage an unconscious individual while awaiting medical assistance.